Les hommes portent-ils des bagues de fiançailles?

Do men wear engagement rings?

Oh, love! This universal feeling that pushes us to do crazy things, to dream big and, sometimes, to ask ourselves questions like: Do men wear engagement rings ? If you were expecting a simple yes or no, prepare to be charmed by the little journey we want to take you on.

Traditionally, the engagement ring has played the tangible role of commitment to marriage. Is this still the case? And are it always women who are the only ones to wear it? Let us tell you, with conviction and a knowing smile, that the answer to these two questions is a resounding “No!” »

In a world where equality and personal style are becoming more and more important, the very notion of this romantic accessory is starting to broaden. The fashion for men's engagement rings is not only here, but it's here to stay. The emergence of terms like engagement rings for men or engagement rings for men and women put forward a modern idea of ​​romanticism. At Flamme en rose, this new reality makes our hearts race. We strongly believe in individual expression through jewelry that tells a story, your story.

History of Men's Engagement Rings

The history of the engagement ring takes us well beyond our time, to countries and cultures where the tradition of engagement was not limited to a single gender. In the days of ancient Rome, for example, rings were used as wedding rings to seal contracts, including those of the heart. The engagement ring for men was therefore not a rarity, but a widespread custom that transcended borders. Let's move forward in time and through parts of Medieval and Renaissance Europe, where the men's promise ring continued to shine on the fingers of those ready to embark on the path to marriage.

Deux bagues en or avec pierre datant de la Rome antique sur un présentoir de musée sur les ruines d'Ercolano Herculanum.en Italie.

Wedding rings from ancient Rome. Gold exhibit at the ancient ruins of Ercolano Herculaneum. 2020.

There is no specific period in Quebec history when it was common for men to wear engagement rings, at least not in a documented way. However, interest in men's engagement rings is gaining momentum. A man's decision to wear an engagement ring is often based on personal choice, style and individual expression of love and commitment, rather than historical and religious traditions.

The modern rise of men's engagement rings

Gone are the days when only women proudly displayed the symbol of their commitment. Today, the engagement ring for men and women shines brightly and the answer lies partly in the decline of the wedding tradition. In Quebec, for example, where individualism and personal freedom are highly valued, many choose to celebrate their love without going through the traditional rites of marriage . The trend over the last 40 years shows that people are increasingly living in common-law relationships. This approach, far from being a simple question of fashion, is a testimony to the balance in the couple. “Why should I be the only one not to shine? » exclaims the man, also choosing to wear a modern engagement ring for men . Reciprocity is becoming the new chic in the world of engagements.

The rise of engagement rings for men also takes on a particular dimension when two lovers of the same sex decide to formalize their relationship. In these unions, whether between male or female partners, the exchange of rings is a gesture celebrating love and commitment in all its diversity. Each engagement ring then becomes a beacon of equality, respect and acceptance, illuminating the path to a future where each individual finds their place in the sun.

La main d'une femme avec verni à ongle rouge tient la main d'un homme qui porte une bague de fiançailles à l'annulaire.
Un homme agenouillé offre à un autre homme une petite boîte contenant une bague de fiançailles.

In this glittering revolution, Flamme en rose stands at the forefront, creating luxury men's engagement rings that are, not only masterpieces of design, but also symbols of deep and profound commitment. sharing. Each piece is an ode to love, a testament both classic and modern, celebrating the union of two souls in the brilliance of diamonds, the softness of gold and the light of silver.

Choosing an engagement ring for men

It is with pride that Flamme en rose is a leader in the men's ring industry. With the growing trend for men to proudly display their commitment, why not dive into this world with style and personality? Here are some key points for navigating this ocean of choice with panache.

Style: Between tradition and originality

Whether you're a man of tradition or a style pioneer, the choice is vast; simple bangles , rings with precious stones , wedding rings with unique designs. Why not consider a men's signet ring to add a touch of nobility to your hand or even a ring reminiscent of wood bark if you are an outdoor enthusiast.

Metal: The shine of your commitment

The men's gold engagement ring, with its timeless shine, remains a classic choice. The elegant and discreet men's silver engagement ring offers a more subtle and less expensive option. For those seeking strength and rarity, platinum is the metal par excellence.

Personalization: Your touch

To make your ring truly unique, consider personalization; an intimate engraving, a date, a sweet word… The possibilities are endless. Birthstones such as emerald, ruby ​​and sapphire also add a personal and colorful dimension.

At Flamme en rose, we have a front row seat to see the new trend in engagement rings for men. Requests are multiplying and diversifying. We understand the importance of this choice and our jewelers are here to help you. Schedule an appointment today or visit our online jewelry store to explore our collection and bring your vision of the perfect ring to life.

Frequently asked questions about wearing engagement rings for men

Do men wear rings in Canada?

Yes, more and more men in Canada are choosing to wear engagement rings, reflecting a growing trend to celebrate commitment outside of marriage.

What finger is a men's engagement ring worn on?

Typically, a man's engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand, just as is the tradition for women in many countries, including Canada. If there is a marriage, the man can add a ring to the same finger or use the engagement ring as a wedding ring.

Do gay men give engagement rings?

Yes, gay men give engagement rings to symbolize their commitment and love, just like in lesbian couples and heterosexual couples, celebrating the promise of a future together.

Do men buy their own engagement ring?

Yes, it is increasingly common for men to purchase their own engagement ring, reflecting personal choice and a desire for equality in the process.

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